Friday, June 6, 2008

Cell Phones

Cell phones allow people to stay connected even when they are apart.... I didn't realize how much he could emotionally abuse me over the phone! I guess I should have taken a clue from the kids... no one ever wants to talk to him.... At first they did, but he didn't understand what they tried to tell him. And then they tried to tell him how they were feeling, and what they didn't like. (Like the “cute” nicknames he gave them that they hated.) When he listened to that, they started trying to defend me or their sister, and tell him to stop talking to us like that....

I hate the fact that he gets upset if I don't call him several times a day. He used to get mad at me for taking the kids out places. You know, we would go to the park, or when we started going to free “cooking” classes at the local health food store. Wow, I really did something wrong there... but that's when he stopped making enough money for us to afford where we were living, and we had to move...again. We've gotten used to that over the years, heck I have even figured out how to make moving look good to the kids. Not that we haven't always been upset at having to leave friends again... I'm starting to see that was a big part of the reason we had to move. God forbid I ever get a support network of friends! Thank God for my mom. She has kept me going through all of it, through so many years, even though she hasn't seen it that way, or maybe it is that she just doesn't know. I think I will call her and tell her. I talk to her every week again, like I used to before my husband came into my life. I can't figure out why I stopped. Maybe I was subconsciously too embarrassed to talk to her, maybe it was just my husband getting mad if I was on the phone for to long....

But back to the cell phone... I found a temporary solution... I lost it. I wonder how long I can keep from finding it....

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